# Generate a PDF with 100 words, each having 5 synonyms and 5 antonyms from fpdf import FPDF # Extend the list to include 100 words with synonyms and antonyms expanded_data = [] base_data = [ { “word”: “Happy”, “synonyms”: [“Joyful”, “Cheerful”, “Content”, “Blissful”, “Elated”], “antonyms”: [“Sad”, “Unhappy”, “Miserable”, “Depressed”, “Gloomy”] }, { “word”: “Brave”, “synonyms”: [“Courageous”, “Bold”, “Daring”, “Fearless”, “Heroic”], “antonyms”: [“Cowardly”, “Fearful”, “Timid”, “Nervous”, “Weak”] }, { “word”: “Strong”, “synonyms”: [“Powerful”, “Sturdy”, “Mighty”, “Robust”, “Tough”], “antonyms”: [“Weak”, “Fragile”, “Delicate”, “Frail”, “Feeble”] }, { “word”: “Fast”, “synonyms”: [“Quick”, “Speedy”, “Swift”, “Rapid”, “Brisk”], “antonyms”: [“Slow”, “Sluggish”, “Lethargic”, “Unhurried”, “Delayed”] }, { “word”: “Beautiful”, “synonyms”: [“Attractive”, “Pretty”, “Gorgeous”, “Lovely”, “Stunning”], “antonyms”: [“Ugly”, “Unattractive”, “Plain”, “Unappealing”, “Hideous”] }, { “word”: “Smart”, “synonyms”: [“Intelligent”, “Bright”, “Clever”, “Sharp”, “Wise”], “antonyms”: [“Dumb”, “Foolish”, “Stupid”, “Ignorant”, “Unwise”] }, { “word”: “Kind”, “synonyms”: [“Compassionate”, “Generous”, “Benevolent”, “Gentle”, “Caring”], “antonyms”: [“Cruel”, “Mean”, “Harsh”, “Selfish”, “Unkind”] }, { “word”: “Calm”, “synonyms”: [“Peaceful”, “Tranquil”, “Serene”, “Quiet”, “Relaxed”], “antonyms”: [“Agitated”, “Anxious”, “Tense”, “Restless”, “Irritated”] }, { “word”: “Bright”, “synonyms”: [“Shining”, “Radiant”, “Vivid”, “Luminous”, “Brilliant”], “antonyms”: [“Dim”, “Dull”, “Dark”, “Gloomy”, “Shadowy”] }, { “word”: “Friendly”, “synonyms”: [“Amiable”, “Affable”, “Cordial”, “Approachable”, “Sociable”], “antonyms”: [“Hostile”, “Unfriendly”, “Cold”, “Aloof”, “Rude”] } ] # Repeat the base data to generate 100 entries for i in range(10): # Base data has 10 entries, repeating it 10 times for entry in base_data: expanded_data.append(entry) if len(expanded_data) == 100: # Stop once we reach 100 entries break # Create a PDF instance pdf = FPDF() pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font(“Arial”, size=12) # Add content to the PDF for idx, entry in enumerate(expanded_data, start=1): pdf.set_font(“Arial”, style=’B’, size=12) pdf.cell(0, 10, f”{idx}. Word: {entry[‘word’]}”, ln=True) pdf.set_font(“Arial”, size=12) pdf.cell(0, 10, “Synonyms: ” + “, “.join(entry[‘synonyms’]), ln=True) pdf.cell(0, 10, “Antonyms: ” + “, “.join(entry[‘antonyms’]), ln=True) pdf.ln(5) # Save the PDF file_path_100 = “/mnt/data/100_Words_Synonyms_Antonyms.pdf” pdf.output(file_path_100) file_path_100